5 Signs You Need to Hire a Private Investigator

The world of private investigations often seems shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In fact, when I became a licensed investigator, my friends thought I had become the coolest kid on the block.

Background Checks: Why They Matter for Individuals and Businesses in Portland

In the ever-evolving landscape of Portland, Oregon, where diversity and opportunity abound, the need for reliable information has never been more crucial. Whether you’re a business owner looking to hire the best talent, a landlord seeking trustworthy tenants, or an individual striving for a secure personal life, the importance of background checks cannot be overstated. […]

Why You Don’t Want to Avoid a Process Server

Woman looks out a window,

Protect your 6th Amendment right to due process and cooperate with the process server. Your personal financial and other interests can only be protected when you take the opportunity to tell your side of the story.

Top 10 Myths About Process Servers

Myth vs Reality

Many people have big fears around process servers and try to avoid them all at costs. But did you know that process servers are actually on YOUR side? It’s true!

What to do When You Don’t Know Where to Find Your Defendant

Woman uses a computer to locate someone

Correct service of process ensures that all parties are notified of a pending case and have ample opportunities to protect their interests in court. As the plaintiff or the petitioner, you are responsible for making sure the other side is served correctly. But what can you do if you’re not sure where your defendant, respondent, or witness lives or works?

How Do I Find a Divorce Process Server Near Me?

Petitioner in a divorce needs to serve court documents through a disinterested third party to Respondent

When it comes to divorce proceedings, discretion and efficiency are crucial. Our divorce process service is done only by highly trained and experienced professionals who understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality and the sensitivity of divorce-related legal documents.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Hiring a Process Server

Two paralegals review a checklist of pitfalls to avoid when hiring a process server

As a paralegal, you understand how important it is to hire the right process server…even if you’ve never had to hire one before. This article outlines some common pitfalls to avoid so that you can ensure the success of your case.